Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our AGM on Tuesday 5th October.
Our thanks go to Naisha Polaine, Director of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Partnership, who gave a wide ranging talk on the background, vision and plans for the Garden town.
You can see Naisha’s slides by clicking here.
Naisha gave us information on some Garden Town Resources. These can be accessed via the following links:
Sustainability Guidance & Checklist
The committee will be following up with Naisha and the Garden Town Partnership to keep informed and to comment on current and future initiatives and plans.
Our thanks also to those who gave tributes honouring Stan Newens, our founding Chair. We are very pleased that Sandra was able to attend and hear the memories and deep respect that we all feel for Stan.
Paul McLintic reported on plans to restart the Harlow Architectural Design Awards (HADA) following the pause due to the pandemic. He made a plea for new people to join the HADA panel and to help with the project management of the awards. Do please reply if you feel you can help with this important initiative.
You can read Paul’s report here:
Dave Naylor, the Harlow Footpath Secretary of the Essex Ramblers, was not able to attend. He has sent an update on footpaths in the town which you can see via the link:
Harlow Footpaths update. If you have any questions on this you can email
He also passed on a request from Network Rail who are seeking volunteers to look after the gardens at Harlow Town station. If you are interested in this, please reply and we will pass on your details. Harlow Town is apparently one of the few stations on the line which does not have volunteer gardeners.
In the formal business the following were elected:
Chair | Tony Evans |
Secretary | Isobel Urquhart |
Treasurer | Phil Hardcastle |
Committee | Barbara Burge John Curry Frank Jackson Moira Jones Robin McCartney Peter Mountsteven Jake Shepherd Issac Verrell |
You can read the AGM reports here:
Secretary’s Report
Financial Report
Finally, please let us have your ideas for any matters that the Civic Society should be addressing or for any events that we should consider by emailing