AGM September 24th, 7-9pm
Our AGM will be held on Tuesday September 24th from 7pm to 9pm in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.
We are very pleased that our speaker will be Rowan Gilbert from the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA). Her talk will be on the theme of ‘Building the Future: Lessons from the New Towns’, which is highly topical given that the building of new towns is on the new government’s agenda. What lessons can be taken from existing planned towns such as Harlow?
Rowan is responsible for managing the TCPA’s promotion of garden city principles in policy, legislation, education and the arts and is undertaking this role as a 12-month secondment from her role as Senior Town Planner at NHS Property Services. Rowan is a Chartered Town Planner (MRTPI) and holds a Master’s degree in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of Sheffield.
After Rowan’s talk the Society will hold the business side of its Annual General Meeting.
We hope to see you at the AGM for what we are sure will be a very stimulating talk.