A reminder that our AGM will be on 10th October starting at 7pm.

It will be held in St John’s House, St John’s Walk, Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ (part of the Memorial University of Newfoundland), just round the corner from St John’s ARC. Parking is available in the nearby Old Harlow car parks.

We are very pleased that John Grindrod has agreed to be our speaker. Many of you will know John as an author and blogger writing about how and why our modern cities and towns look the way they do. His Concretopia is the story of the emergence of the estates, new towns and city centres of modern Britain; Outskirts is about the modernised countryside of the green belt; and in Iconicon John writes about the more recent conflict of high tech and heritage we’ve lived through since 1980. Together these books form a loose trilogy about how the British have planned, built, lived and worked in new buildings and settlements over the last eighty years. 

You can sign up to his substack here and get a flavour of his brilliant writing on modernist architecture and things he has seen and liked, written with much humour.

We very hope that you will come and hear John at the AGM – do persuade other members and friends to come along. We are sure you will hear a stimulating, perceptive and funny talk.

Join the Committee

Isobel Urquhart, our secretary, and John Curry, for many years our vice chair, will both be standing down at the AGM. They have given superb service to the Society and the town and we are very grateful for all they have done. 
So, if you have been thinking about joining the committee then do come forward! We are at a critical stage in the development of the Garden Town and need a strong committee to try and promote the ideals and principles of Gibberd’s original Masterplan and ensure these are carried through into new developments. 

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