Our Next Walk – a ‘Mixed Bag’

A reminder of our walk on Saturday 22 April starting at 10.30 from Harlow Museum.

Booking is essential – please email contact@harlowcivicsociety.org.uk to let us know you will be there.

Once again, it will be led by John Curry.The distance will be about  3 miles, with the possibility of extending to 4 miles if the weather and participants agree. The finish will be back at the Museum. The walk will be a mixture of New Town, Old Town, even newer town (Newhall), with some blue plaques and sculptures, plus a bit of ancient history. So, we call it “The Mixed Bag Walk”.

  • The walk is free as is car parking
  • Tea/coffee/cake/biscuits at the finish will incur a small charge
  • Cafe en route at your own expense

Talk on Night Life in Towns and Cities

In partnership with New Arts Harlow, Professor Marion Roberts of Urban Design School of Architecture and Design, University of Westminster, will give a presentation on her current research project on night life in towns and cities, one of which is Harlow.

The talk will be on Tuesday 9th May in the Vestry at St John’s ARC, Old Harlow from 10.30 to 12.30. There will be a charge of £7 on the door.

New Arts Harlow is a new venture in Harlow offering talks, courses and trips covering all the Arts. They have a full programme for 2023/24.

Please email newartsharlow@gmail.com if you would like to join their malling list.

Renewed Your Membership?

If you haven’t already renewed your membership for 2023, you can make a BACS payment to us:

Account Name: Harlow Civic Society
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65386688

Fees remain as:
Individual £8 
Family £10    
Concessionary £5     
Corporate £15

Please put your name and postcode as the reference and send us an email to contact@harlowcivicsociety.org.uk to let us know about your payment. Thank you.

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