There are three planning consultations seeking comments that we will be responding to.
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Partnership (HGGT) has two:
- East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
- Stewardship Charter
Harlow Council is consulting on the Health Impact Assessment SPD.
Further details and links to the documents and how to provide comments are given below.
East of Harlow SPD
The aim of the East of Harlow document is to provide guidance for a developer producing a masterplan for the site, which is located to the east of Harlow and is allocated in the Harlow Council Local Plan and Epping Forest District Council Local Plan for a combined total of 3,350 new homes.
The document contains detailed guidance on topics such as green infrastructure and landscape, connectivity and sustainable movement, layout of schools and local centres and vehicle access.
You can see more details on the consultation page here.
You can see the full document here.
The consultation closes on 16th October.
Stewardship Charter
The charter sets out six high level principles which HGGT feel that any proposed stewardship arrangement should achieve to ensure that long-term community led management is in place for the new buildings and neighbourhoods.
You can see more on the consultation page here.
You can see the full document here.
The consultation closes on 1st October.
Health Impact Assessment SPD
This SPD is to provide further guidance on Harlow Local Development Plan Policy L4 Health and Wellbeing which supports the use of health impact assessments for certain types of developments. It provides a checklist to be completed at an early stage of the planning process to help understand the impact of the development and to inform discussions with the Development Management team and Public Health team.
The consultation page is here.
You can see the full document here.
The consultation closes on 6th October.