The Princess Alexandra NHS Hospital Trust is hosting two virtual public meetings to update on its plans for the new hospital.
Hospital staff will give their vision for the new hospital and the architects will present design ideas for the main hospital welcome and reception areas.
There will be an opportunity to question the hospital team on their plans as well as provide feedback on the welcome area designs.
The meetings will be held on the following dates:
- Thursday 21 January, 6.30pm-8pm
- Thursday 4 February, 6.30pm-8pm
You can register to attend the free events on Eventbrite using this link.
Or email: paht.newhospital@nhs.net
These are live virtual events and will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.
You can attend either date. You can also take part in the Trust’s short survey using this link.
Presentation materials will also be published online after the events.
You can sign up for the PAH new hospital newsletter here.
More information on the emerging plans for the new hospital can be found on the PAH website here.