We send all our members and supporters very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
We have all had another challenging year and we very much hope that you have kept safe and well. As a Society we have only been able to hold our AGM in October but not any other events.
We hope you found the emails we have sent out during the year both interesting and informative.
Given our AGM was relatively recent, we will not be holding our AGM in January and it will be held later in 2022. We will let you know when we have a confirmed date.
In the meantime, here are some updates and information about consultations that we hope will be of interest and that you may want to respond to.
We hope for better times in 2022 and wish you a happy, peaceful and healthy Christmas and New Year.
North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor

The Harlow and Gilston Garden Town vision set out plans for sustainable transport corridors as part of meeting its goal of at least 50% of journeys being by public transport, cycling or walking.
The North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor is the first to be brought forward with a more in-depth design.
Proposals include high-quality bus rapid transit and walking and cycling improvements, along the A1019 from Burnt Mill Roundabout into the town centre. The corridor will also see substantial landscaping with shrubs, low-level planting and trees, with the aim of increasing biodiversity along the route and enhancing the local environment linking into the adjoining Harlow Town Park.
The route will connect into the Gilston development in the north and the town centre in the south. Ultimately other corridors will be created connecting new and existing communities across the town.
To see details and comment on the proposals for the North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor visit www.essexhighways.org/harlow-sustainable-transport-corridors.
There is a Microsoft Teams webinar about the proposals on:
Wednesday 15th December at 6.30pm – accessed via this link: https://bit.ly/3D7lgdC
Hertfordshire Essex Rapid Transit

Hertfordshire County Council are consulting on a proposed new transport system called HERT and plans include making the future Harlow & Gilston Garden Town one of the scheduled route stops.
The current proposal is that it will run from Hemel Hempstead and West Watford, joining just south of St Albans in Hertfordshire, to Harlow in Essex and onwards to Stansted Airport.
The proposals state that the Hertfordshire Essex Rapid Transit (HERT) will be a new, sustainable passenger transport network. It will carry more people than a car but will be more convenient and reliable than a traditional bus.
You can see more information and take part in the consultation that runs until 28 January 2022 here.
Harlow Council Planning Consultations

Harlow Council is consulting on a Harlow Town Centre Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and an Open Space Standards and Biodiversity SPD. SPDs contain guidance which expand upon policies in the Harlow Local Development Plan. They are also consulting on updates to the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Validation Checklists.
Town Centre Masterplan SPD
The Town Centre Masterplan SPD sets out a vision for Harlow Town Centre as being a successful, sustainable place which serves as the commercial centre for the existing town of Harlow and the wider Garden Town. The SPD provides guidance on movement, urban design, public realm, appropriate land uses and tall buildings in the town centre.
Public Open Space Standards and Biodiversity SPD
The Public Open Space Standards and Biodiversity SPD seeks to meet the open space, sport and recreational needs of Harlow, protect and enhance the district’s Green Infrastructure and biodiversity and ensure appropriate on-site and/or off-site contributions are made for open space.
Updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
The SCI explains how the Council involves the community in the preparation, alteration or review of local planning policies as set out in various Development Plan Documents, and in determining planning applications. The SCI has been updated to make reference to the Quality Review Panel, additional information on pre-application advice and how residents can be informed of applications through on-line mapping. Changes also include a more flexible approach when engaging with planning applications and an expectation that applicants will undertake more pre-application engagement.
Updated Validation Checklists
The Council has prepared updated Validation Checklists, which relate to specific policies in the Harlow Local Development Plan and set out the information that applicants must submit when making a planning application. There are separate Checklists for major, minor and householder applications. By requiring information at an early stage, the Council can make decisions quicker and the quality of decisions can be improved.
- The SPDs can be viewed online at www.harlow.gov.uk/spd
- The SCI can be viewed online at www.harlow.gov.uk/sci
- The Validation Checklists can be viewed online at www.harlow.gov.uk/consultations
Copies of the SPDs and SCI can also be found in Harlow libraries and the Civic Centre during normal opening hours. If you are unable to access any of the documents, please contact the Council via Myharlow@harlow.gov.uk and they can send you a hard copy.
The Council prefers comments by email to:
· towncentreMP@harlow.gov.uk for the Town Centre Masterplan SPD
· openspaceSPD@harlow.gov.uk for the Public Open Space Standards and Biodiversity SPD
· Myharlow@harlow.gov.uk for the Updated Statement of Community Involvement and Validation Checklists
Comments can also be sent to Forward Planning, Civic Centre, Harlow, CM20 1WG.
The consultation closes at 5pm on 11th February 2022.
Harlow 2047 Plan
A reminder that the Consultation on the Council’s vision for the town in 2047 is open until 16 January 2022.
You can see the previously circulated information on the plan here.