Harlow Council has been invited by the Government to resubmit their Playhouse Quarter proposals that were developed last year. Their consultants have just finished updating the scheme which now has a bigger focus on providing facilities to support arts, culture and heritage.
They are keen to get feedback on the updated proposals from as many people as possible. Public support for the proposals will strengthen the bid and its likelihood of success. You can see a presentation about the proposals at the following link:
Harlow Arts & Cultural Quarter Public Presentation June 2022
Timescales are short, and they have asked for feedback by next Monday, 4th July by completing a short online survey at:
You can also send your views to us at: contact@harlowcivicsociety.org.uk
Further information and a summary of the proposals is given in the email received from the Council, which is given below:
I’m writing with some exciting news. Harlow Council is applying for £20m as part of the Governments’ Levelling Up Fund to develop an Arts and Cultural Quarter in Harlow Town Centre. The proposals, which have been developed over the last couple of years will see the complete transformation of Playhouse Square and College Square “to create and develop an Arts and Cultural Quarter in Harlow Town Centre, bringing together a diverse range of artistic, entertainment, cultural and heritage disciplines to establish a regional hub of innovative and engaging events and activities.”
The proposals aim is to provide a new gateway destination to Harlow Town Centre, improving links between The Water Gardens and Harvey Centre and support a diverse and vibrant town centre offer that extends into the evening.
Specifically, funding will support brand new facilities, including:
- Contemporary Bar and Café
- Music & Performance Venue (including Music School and Recording Studio)
- Artist & Maker Studio Spaces
- Flexible Studios for creative & performing arts, rehearsal space, events, smaller and outdoor performances, and community uses.
- Art Gallery and associated spaces for literary arts, spoken word, education events and visiting exhibitions and installations
Before we submit our application, we would like to hear what you think about the proposals.
The attached information pack provides more details on the proposals [the presentation given above], and we would be grateful if you would complete a short online survey. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes and can be found online at: https://selfserve.harlow.gov.uk/service/Harlow_town_centre_consultation
If you would like any more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/business/regeneration/levelling-fund or please do not hesitate to contact me.
Also, we would be grateful if you could share this with anyone else you think might be interested.
Kind regards
David Sellings
Town Centre Manager
Regeneration Team
Tel: 01279 446487
Fax: 01279 446639
Alternative Contact: Oliver Gillard, Regeneration Project Support Officer, oliver.gillard@harlow.gov.ukor 01279 446862