Harlow Council has launched a consultation on the draft Town Plan which sets out a proposed vision for Harlow in 2047 when the town is 100 years old.
Residents, businesses and organisations are invited to have their say on how Harlow should grow and develop over the next 26 years.
The plan covers a range of key issues important to Harlow’s future and views are encouraged on:
- How growth should be managed to meet the town’s needs
- The different types of housing needed
- Addressing climate change and transport infrastructure
- Regeneration of the town centre
- Sports and leisure facilities and green open spaces
- Improving residents’ health and wellbeing
- Neighbourhood regeneration – shopping centres, hatches and estates
- Waste & recycling services and facilities
We have set up a working party to review the plan and prepare our response.
Below we give links to the draft plan, reproduce the ways in which you can give your views to the Council and provide the Council summary of the plan vision. Do please also send any comments to us at contact@harlowcivicsociety.org.uk.
Have your say
You can read a copy of the draft Town Plan on the Town Plan consultation page or from our website here.
Copies of the plan are also available from the Civic Centre, Latton Bush Centre and Harlow libraries during normal opening times.
A survey can be completed on the Town Plan consultation page or comments can be emailed to: townplan@harlow.gov.uk
The latest edition of the Harlow Times magazine includes a survey which you can complete and send back. You can also get a copy of the survey form on our website here.
Views can also be put in writing to: Town Plan, Harlow Council, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG.
The consultation will close on Sunday 16 January 2022.
Summary of the Council Vision from the Draft Plan
Harlow will be one of the best towns in Britain to raise your family and to send your children to school, the best place to start a business, the best place to live and to be a place of aspiration, innovation and prosperity for all.
The town has faced challenging times recently, especially due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on residents and businesses alike, but through this vision the council will ensure a sound platform is in place to aid Harlow’s recovery and its future development and success.
The vision provides a long term framework for the growth and regeneration of the town until 2047, drawing on what has been planned and achieved to date, which will evolve and develop over time to reflect our ambition and aspirations.
Some of the key achievements we hope Harlow will have made by 2047:
- Harlow will have grown to the scale of a small city.
- A rebuild of the town centre will have taken place and a once-in-a-generation programme of neighbourhood renewal rolled out.
- Harlow will be an economic powerhouse in the East of England and UK Innovation Corridor, built on innovation, enterprise, life sciences and advanced manufacturing
- Growth will be sustainable, planned and integrated with the existing town and continue to be underpinned by Gibberd’s New Town principles.
- New buildings will be recognised for leading the way in terms of mitigating against and adapting to climate change, while existing buildings will have been retrofitted to ensure they are also playing their part.
- Harlow will have a sustainable transport network which will have changed the way that residents move around the town by walking, cycling and by using sustainable public transport systems.
- Harlow will be a world class digital area with ultra-fast broadband linking seamlessly with residents, transport and business.
- Thousands of new, high-skilled, long-term jobs, apprenticeships and training opportunities will be created increasing the productivity and output of Harlow’s local economy and spreading opportunity and prosperity.
- The Green Wedge and Green Finger network, as well as biodiversity assets, will have been retained and maintained.